👋 Welcome!

If you have questions not addressed by the information on this page, please leave a comment on the helpdesk page (recommended) or reach out to us at fsttcs2024@gmail.com.

This is the local information page for FSTTCS 2024, which will be hosted at IIT Gandhinagar between December 16–18, 2024. On this page, you will find more information about local arrangements and important announcements.

FSTTCS is now over! :)

Thank you for joining us at FSTTCS, in-person or online! The conference was a delight, and we are now excited for the next edition at BITS Goa.

Meanwhile, you can find memories of the 2024 edition here, you can share your feedback, and you can also download slides as uploaded by authors from here. Also, our thanks to everyone who put FSTTCS together.

Attending in person?

Please check the intel page for details that will help you navigate the venue! Briefly:

  • The talks are in Academic Block 1, behind the 2 degree cafe
  • Track A talks at FSTTCS and AMD talks are in AB 1/101
  • Track B talks at FSTTCS, MM/RHPL/WAGS talks are in AB 1/102
  • All keynote talks are in AB 1/103 (aka Jibaben auditorium)
  • All food is at the pedway behind the fountain area near AB1: follow the crowd!

Entry and exit to the campus is through Gate 1. The password to get through is FSTTCS, verbalized with confidence. If this triggers further rituals, please follow them - you might have to at most sign off on a register.

For those who are fond of traditional maps:
Pasted image 20241212205122.png

Important Dates


You can reach out to any of the organizers with specific inquiries as indicated below, or post a question on the helpdesk page if you think it is broadly relevant, or email fsttcs2024@gmail.com.

  1. Abhishek Bichhawat abhishek.b -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries on international participant support)

  2. Bireswar Das, bireswar -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to being a volunteer at FSTTCS)

  3. Anirban Dasgupta anirbandg -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to the Young Investigators Meet)

  4. Manoj Gupta gmanoj -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to workshop and student accommodation logistics)

  5. Balagopal Komarath bkomarath -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to registration and guest house/hotel accommodation, classrooms and recording arrangements)

  6. Neeldhara Misra neeldhara.m -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for any general queries)

  7. Manisha Padala manisha.padala -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to food arrangements)

  8. Siddharth Barman barman -AT- iisc.ac.in
    (for queries related to supporting FSTTCS --- more information here).

  9. Aalok Thakkar aalok.thakkar -AT- ashoka.edu.in
    (for queries related to FSTTCS on social media).

  10. Shibashis Guha shibashis -AT- tifr.res.in
    (for queries related to FSTTCS publicity beyond social media)

  11. S P Suresh spsuresh -AT- cmi.ac.in
    (for queries related to the main FSTTCS 2024 website and program pages)

  12. Jyothi Krishnan jyothi.k -AT- iitgn.ac.in
    (for queries related to the registration kit)


FSTTCS Volunteer Program

Many thanks to everyone who applied to the volunteer program! Please head over here to see the list of shortlisted applicants and further instructions.

International Participants

Update: Invitation letters and the letter of political clearance have been sent out to all international participants who applied for it. Thanks for your patience!

For Authors: after filling out the registration form as a participant, you can register your paper here.