
We are grateful to various people for bringing together FSTTCS 2024 and making it a really special event for everyone involved.

  1. Steering Committee. We thank all members of the steering committee for always being there for our questions, big and small, and for guiding the conference over the months leading up to it.

  2. Partners and Sponsors. FSTTCS 2024 is presented jointly by IARCS, ACM India, and IIT Gandhinagar. We are most grateful for substantial support from all three organizations towards the conference operations. We also partnered with the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT) for the Young Investigators Meeting. In addition, FSTTCS was also supported by Google (Diamond Sponsor), TCS Research (Gold Sponsor), and Amuse Labs, Tarides, and Jed-i (Silver Sponsors). Finally, we acknowledge technology support from Tiiny, which was used to host invitation letters (they generously supported us with API access) and JetAdmin was used to share participant data.

  3. Workshop Organizers. We had four co-located workshops, and we are grateful to all organizers for the tremendous coordination to get these events going smoothly:

    1. MM: S. Akshay (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India); Olaf Beyersdorff (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany); Nutan Limaye (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, IT University of Copenhagen); Prajakta Nimbhorkar (Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), India)
    2. RHPL: Kumar Madhukar (IIT Delhi) & Divyesh Unadkat (Synopsys)
    3. WAGS: Sougata Bose (University of Liverpool); Suman Sadhukhan (University of Haifa); Thejaswini K. S. (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA))
    4. AMD: Umang Bhaskar (TIFR) & Meghana Nasre (IIT Madras)
  4. PC Co-Chairs. The PC co-chairs (Siddharth Barman and Sławomir Lasota) were instrumental in getting the technical program underway, and we thank them for their help with all the work that went into scheduling and identifying session chairs, and several other tasks.

  5. Session Chairs. We thank the session chairs of FSTTCS and the associated workshops, and special thanks to those who had to run the AAA program for us :)

  6. Speakers and Attendees. Thank you for all the wonderful talks, which was the heart of the program :) Thanks to all the attendees for all the engagement throughout the week.

  7. Volunteers. All the volunteers pitched in to keep the program running smoothly across a 7-day span: thank you and kudos!

  8. Social Event Partners. We were thrilled to have an amazing team come together for the social events at FSTTCS. Our thanks to Balagopal with Dr. Janki Teli (birdwatching); Bireswar and Eklavya (juggling); Jaison (sqaush); Jyothi (non-chess board games); N. R. Aravind (crossword); Rahul and Pragya (chess); Ramprasad & Nikhil (cubing); Saraswati, Shaumik, and Pragya (magic); Suman and Bireswar (sketchy campus tour); the CCL Team (puzles, kits, and more); DAIICT (for their support of YIM).

  9. Kit Partners. Thanks to Jyothi Krishnan, CCL, for leading the team that made the registration kits for FSTTCS. The team includes Adithi Iyer (hunted down pieces in local markets); Akhandjyoti Gupta (Coordinated the manufacturing of the sorting cards at scale); Bhavya Agarwal (made the initial designs); Dinesh Rathod (hunted down pieces in local markets); Diya Shah (organized assembly, and made the designs compatible for our printers, worked on peg solitaire, and hunted down pieces in local markets); Jatin Yadav (contributed the puzzle on the bookmark); Shaumik Khanna (programmed various puzzles and worked on peg solitaire); Shilpa Bansal (Overall organization of materials); Vishal Prajapati (Overall organization of materials).

  10. Staff Support. We are most grateful to the staff support we had for this event. In particular, many thanks to Devarsh Barbhaya, Vedant Agarwal, Ghanshyam Patel (The Academic Studio India Team for livestreams and photography); Dharmesh, Bhavesh, Aniruddh, Rajni (classroom support); Raviraj Sukhadiya and Dinesh Desai (CSE Staff for tireless general support); Neha Sharma (from RnD, for a lot of help with the ministry clearances); Yashwant Chouhan (Guest House & Food); Shailesh Patani (Transport); Yogesh Jade (Hostels); Kiran, Hareyo Shang Lana, Shalivhan Thapa (Jaiswal Caterers); Dilip Kashyap (QR Scanners); Tej Gurung (Registration); Eren Christian, Yamini Raval and Vidhi Joshi (Accounts); Apeksha Srivastava and Dilip Kashyap (podcasts); Mayur Bhatiya (photography), Saumya Mishra (social media)